Actions determine what happens when a trigger is executed. Actions can be grouped into five categories based on the type of element they are applied to:
Frames: Navigate to, back, scroll to
Components: Change to
Videos: Play/pause, Mute/unmute, Set to specific time, Jump forward / backward
Overlays: Open overlay, close overlay, swap overlay
Other: Set variable, set variable mode, open link
🌟 To create a video animation, you must use either the navigate to or change to actions, which transition between frames and variants, respectively 🌟
How to set navigate-to action
The action setting is the third box from the top in the interaction detail popup that opens after establishing a connection. Set this to navigate-to when connecting top-level frames
The designation is set in the box below the action setting. Confirm it is set to the correct destination frame when setting the navigate-to action.