3. Remove unnecessary artifacts

The plugin evaluates every node in a flow, regardless of whether its properties change or if viewable on the screen. Interactive prototypes often contain a large number of nodes that can be removed or replaced with images to speed up rendering process.

Our design renders fairly quickly so is not required, but mentioning here in case encounter in another interactive prototype reworked for video.

❌ Remove out-of-viewport elements

Hover over rows in layer panel & check canvas position relative to top-level frame. Delete items that are out of viewport.

Troubleshooting article: Remove out-of-viewport elements

❌ Remove hidden elements

Hidden elements are greyed-out in layer panel with a closed eye icon to the right of the layer name, and will have a dark blue on the canvas when selected. Delete one by one, or use one of free Figma community plugins to delete all from design.

Troubleshooting article: Remove hidden elements

➡️ Convert parent nodes containing unanimated layers to images

There should be a few obvious candidates in the design after viewing in the Figma player. Once a candidate is identified, follow the below steps:

  1. Copy as PNG: Right click the node in the Layer panel in the left sidebar, open the Copy/paste as sub-menu, and select Copy as PNG.

  2. Paste to replace: Right click on the same layer and select the "Paste to replace" option from the menu.

  3. Repeat for matching layers: Apply the same conversion to matching layers in sibling frames across the flow. Confirm layers remain matched across flow after nodes have been replaced.

  4. Confirm result: Test whether replacement impacts the animation. If so, undo the change and try another node.

Troubleshooting article: Convert nodes containing unanimated children to images