The plugin evaluates every node in a flow regardless of whether animates in a transition. Complex interactive prototypes sometimes contain many nested elements whose properties don't change in a transition. These nodes can be flattened into static images to reduce processing effort.
🔍 How to identify
This is a manual effort with no plugins that automate the process. However, there should be a few obvious candidates in the design after viewing in the Figma player.
✅ How to fix
Once a candidate is identified, follow the below steps:
Copy as PNG: Right click the node in the Layer panel in the left sidebar, open the Copy/paste as sub-menu, and select Copy as PNG.
Paste to replace: Right click on the same layer and select the "Paste to replace" option from the menu.
Repeat for matching layers: Apply the same conversion to matching layers in sibling frames across the flow. Confirm layers remain matched across flow after nodes have been replaced.
Confirm result: Test whether replacement impacts the animation. If so, undo the change and try another node.